Monday, November 9, 2009

Tyra Banks

As much as people look up to celebrities for the lifestyles they live, the fancy cars they drive and all of their ups and downs shown publicly, at the end of the day they are still human. Tyra Banks uses her Twitter almost everyday. She tweets about breakfast, hair, upcoming events and this allows you to see the human Tyra Banks and not the very successful former supermodel/tv host/actress that we constantly see on television. Twitter allows her fans to see the real her, not the dolled up one we see dressed fancy around her fellow celebrities. This twitter allows her fans to see her in an aspect we've never seen in person and may never. This is Tyra in the morning making breakfast, this is Tyra talking about the things young girls dwell on and become stressed about such as hair weave, this is Tyra at night tired from a long day. Twitter allows Tyra to become more relatable to her fans of all ages. In some aspect of Tyra's tweets, they are real enough to the point the average young woman working everyday, cooking breakfast and trying to figure out what to do with her hair can read and enjoy. Recently she tweeted about buying a new coat and jokes about it being bright yellow and looking like big bird, not every celebrity makes fun of themself. I do it all the time so I'm impressed by that. Tyra Banks uses this to show everyone how real she is, down to earth and not this self absorbed person without a sense of humor. There isnt much promotion going on for herself, she rarely talks about the events she will be attending nor her upcoming plans. She mentions America's next top model occassionally but for the most part her twitter is about her personal life and the things she feels during the day. I love it and I love her!!!

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